It is confermed the strike of 24hs of trains and of the other public transports, from 9 p.m of November 9th to Monday 10th 9 p.m. announced by Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, UilTrasporti, UglTrasporti, Orsa Trasporti, Faisa e Fast. The strike is linked with the lawsuit aboutthe national contract's renewal of local public transport and trains employees.
FERROVIE. Lo stop è per tutte le 24 ore garantendo i treni regionali nelle fasce orarie previste dalla legge, dalle 6 alle 9 e dalle 18 alle 21.
TRAINS The out of service will be for all the 24 hs, but assuring Regional Trains (FM1,FM2,...) in the time slots 6am-9am and 6pm-9pm
TRASPORTO PUBBLICO LOCALE. Autobus, tram e metropolitane si fermeranno lunedì 10 con modalità diverse città per città.
LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT Buses, trams and undergrounds will be out of service all the Monday 10th day, with different ways depending on the cities
Roma, dalle 8,30 alle 17 e dalle 20 a fine servizio.
Rome The out of service will be 8.30am-5pm and 8pm-end of the service
Grazie per averci viaggiato con noi!
Thanks for travelling with us!
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