

L.H.O.O.Q. by Marcel Duchamp, 1919

From Wikipedia: The name of the piece, L.H.O.O.Q., is a pun, since the letters when pronounced in French form the sentence, "Elle a chaud au cul." "Elle a chaud au cul" literally translates into "She has heat in the ass." In a late interview (Schwarz 203), Duchamp gave a loose translation of L.H.O.O.Q. as "there is fire down below" (in fact the term "avoir chaud au cul" is slang used in the sense of "to be horny").

"We [Dadaists] are often told that we are incoherent, but into this word people try to put an insult that it is rather hard for me to fathom. Everything is incoherent... There is no logic... The acts of life have no beginning and no end. Everything happens in a completely idiotic way. That is why everything is alike. Simplicity is called Dada. Any attempt to conciliate an inexplicable momentary state with logic strikes me as a boring kind of game... Like everything in life, Dada is useless... Perhaps you will understand me better when I tell you that Dada is a virgin microbe that penetrates with the insistence of air into all of the spaces that reason has not been able to fill with words or conventions".
(Tristan Tzara)

"Dada non significa nulla"
(Manifesto Dada del 1918)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

io so chi ha il germe del dada: giouba, giulio9000. Loro sono artisti,fuori dagli schemi, non compresi dalle masse e che emanano un fascino distruttivo della realtà che li circonda. propongo una visita guidata au cul dei magnifici due...
