
Postcards from the Alps

Kisses from Col del Lys...
Hoping you're having fun during these holidays!

Rita, Nina, Zara e Peggy.


Christmas poetry...

I'm sorry Wenjun but i have to write in italian....

E' Natale..
e in questo giorno in cui tutti si senton più vicini,
voglio anche io fare la poesia,come i bambini.
e con una rima piena d'affetto che parte dal cuore,
Auguro a te e famiglia,di passare queste ore,
in letizia e felicità,circondati d'amore.
Da domani penseremo a fama, a ricchezza e ad ogni meraviglia.
Per oggi tanti auguri da Damiano e famiglia.

Merry Christmas to everyone...


Buon Natale-Merry Christmas-Feliz Navidad

Prima che lo stomaco sia troppo pieno...
Prima che l'euforia per l'arrivo di Babbo Natale ci travolga...
Prima che spumantini/brachetti/prosecchi/ammazzacaffè/digestivi e quant'altro ci annebbino... (questo per gli alcolisti mica tanto anonimi presenti tra noi) :)
...Voglio augurarvi un sereno Natale, nella speranza che possiate passarlo con le persone a cui volete più bene (ovviamente spillandogli tanti tanti euri a carte/tombola) :)

Merry Christmas my dear



Hi everybody, this is the elf number 4 withdrawing the classroom for a new mission: THE NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY!!! yes, I know you're all thinking "oh no, another fuckin' capodanno!!"...I have never enjoyed so much the last day of the year, I was always in some party organized by people I didn't know at all, in places of people I've never seen before, with a lot of persons I've never seen, before and after the party!
So this year I was totally regardless of what to do on this day. But now we're so close to the new year...and it seems a joke, but for the first time of my life I'm trying to organize the New Year's Eve Party!!! Because the parties with you are so funny; and because of no one has asked me for being in his/her own party!!!hehehehe....So I don't want to stay in front of the Tv watching the Carlucci sisters countdown to the new year...I think this is the main reason behind our will to have a party on the last day of the year...everybody wants to escape from this scaring vision!! don't you agree?
So this is the space to collect the application for the NEW YEAR'S PARTY: if you wanna have some fun with a stupid drunk elf dancing like a fool, you will stay in the best party all over the world!!! I hope there will be a lot of us, but I'm quite sure the most of you already has another don't worry, have fun with the stupid unknown people talking about football, gossip and so on...
for those who want to join us, write in the comments space!!! roberto was offering us to have party in a place where he works, but we're considering more suitable to do it in the Alessandra's flat. What do you think about it??? always remember this:


"ELFY" Christmas

hey guys!!!!!
finally i decided to write something,
i want to wish you a special EEBL Merry Christmas.. check this out

kisses, enjoy your holidays

The wonderful X'mas dinner

what a beautiful X'mas dinner of our EEBL yesterday!!!
Firstly, i think we must thanks for Rob's preparing, espacially Rob's mom,oh~~~~~what a yummy !!! "Da baura"!! :)

Secondly, i know how to play the game "gugu",haha,interesting!But i'm really sorry to loose your life ,silvia and alessandro(ex-la sapienza), i'm not the good gambler,excuse me:(
yesterday , you asked me what we usually play in china? ok , the answer is mah-jong,but i'm not sure if you know what is it ,it's very very very tipical chinese game,haha, when i come back to china, i'll play it with my family, i can't wait:) i'll take the photos to show you:) of course also the chinese tipical food for chinese new year ,and the activities ... emmmm, i think i can make a continuous chinese new year report, haha ,do you look towards? ah! i nearly forget to tell you, i have bought the ticket to china, the 8th of feb. and i'll be back in italy on the 8th of mar.When i'm absent ,don't miss me ,everybody :p

eh~ i find i'm digressing from the subject,forgive me ! i'm backing!

Lastly, i want to say ,Rob, your house is so far~~~~~~Do you how can we went back home?firstly, Francesco's car was the guide,but he made mistake of the road,so after we had run a long distance, we must go back; and then Alessandr's car was the guide, but again , wrong road! ok , go back again! but unfortunately,at that time we lost Francesco them , where are you, Fran,Ale, Clua and Dami? Do you find the right way? Do you get home now ?hahaha~~kidding!!!!

In one word, thank you for the fantastic party,Rob!
Merry X'mas and happy new year for every guy!I'll miss you!!See you 2008!

Bacione a tutti
-- Wenjun 20th Dec. 2007



Goodmorning everyone!

Here I am to tell you something about the EEBL XMAS PARTY of today,
everything confirmed, I'll wait for all of you since the afternoon,
please as read this post, make me a call and tell me if you'll come or not,
and how many of us you are!
If you have friends/boyfriends/girlfriends they're all welcome!
If you have any games (like Taboo,Mercante in Fiera,etc) please keep it with you!
See you later!



00123 ROMA

P.S. read the post before of this, with Bianca's travel info!!!!


Avviso ai naviganti- Advice to the sailors

Good morning everyone from the coolest city in the world (my house in Zagarolo...sob). I post this comment to organize our trip to culandia (Roby's House in Bracciano) tomorrow. I only want to say to you that I was thinking to leave from Anagnina station at 15.45 (I work until 15.30), I have space in my car for 2 more people, so let me know if some of you need a lift or simply if we want to form a little group to go together...Waiting for you, your tired and depressed Vito (I have to study Iozzi and is almost Arabian).


Europe and Italy


Hi my dear classmates!!

Finally I found the dates of all of the exams on the EEBL's web site so I decided to share with all of you this "critical" moment...:o)!!
Rob and Ale have just written the dates for Game theory (but I found a mistake about the 1st date...according to Iozzi is 16 but on internet there is 15....but I belive much more in Internet!!) EU commercial and company law and Macroeconomics. But I'll re-write everything so I hope it will be easy to plan our exams!


1) 15/01/08 h.9.00
2) 29/01/08 h 9.00
3) 12/02/08 h 9.00


1) 25/01/08
2) 08/02/08
3) 22/02/08


1) 21/01/08 h.14.00
2) 06/02/08 h 9.00
3) 18/02/08 h.9.00


1) written 15/01/08 h 14.30 oral 18/01/08 h 9.30
2) 29/01/08 h 14.30 01/02/08 h 9.30
3) 20/02/08 h 14.30 22/02/08 h 14.00

so these are the dates.....
Good luck to everyone and in the mouth of the wolf and in the bottom of the whale (nice traslation for a nice italian proverb...heheh)!!

see you at Roberto's house to forget the next exams....eheh..."cominciamo bene eh?";o)


IOSSA's meeting monday 17th

Hi everyone!

I hope you're enjoying your chilly sunday!

I'd like to know about tomorrow morning at 10.30 a.m. the meeting with Prof. Iossa,
who will be there?!
Because she wrote in the post on the university web that if we'll be a group, she could have a sort of collective lesson...

I'll be there, let me know

see you!


eebl party 12/15/2007

Wake up lazy guys!!!! I know you are all sleeping...................................


Exams' dates

Ale (ex-sap) & Rob decided to post the exam’s dates
in case anyone of us need it, until they publish it in the university’ site!
as soon as you know some update info, please refresh this post!

i) written 16.01.2008
oral 18.01.2008
ii) written 29.01.08
oral 01.02.08
iii) written 20.02.2008
oral 22.02.2008

i) 21.01.2008
ii) 06.02.2008
iii) 18.02.2008

i) 25.01.2008
ii) .02.2008
iii) .02.2008

If anyone knows mathematic's dates, please adding it on the blog!!!

In the mouth of wolf!!!!!!


....excuse me...but LED ZEPPELIN ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

photo and my total incapacity with blog, mac and so on..

Hi everyone!!Finally I download pizza's photo on my mac...but I didn't manage to transfer them on this wonderful the only thing possible for me (before become insane) has been save these photo on my blog if someone very patient can download them and post on this blog it could be magnifique! Otherwise have a look from Vito's page and have fun!!kisses....your VITO

german coast guard

Hy Guys!!!
This my first time on the blog...I'm exciting!!
I'm listening to Lorella's recordings...It's very funny! I always can hear a troublesome background....the Bocconian boy...He made some mistakes....big mistake I would say, but anyway it's funny!
I would try to organize the transcription of the you agree?
I suggest to divide the lessons between us.
Andrea (1/3 OCTOBER)
Michela (8/10 OCTOBER)
Silvia (me) (15/17 OCTOBER)
Rossana (22/24 OCTOBER)
This is what we did yesterday, maybe we can divide the lessons more than the weeks, it could be better...I wait for your suggestions....
Have a nice day!
See you tomorrow!!
Ps I enjoy very much our classroom....


Pop art-who's interested?

Good evening my dear!
I'm pleased to introduce the first post on our "Bacheca degli annunci" (traducete voi).
I'm going to see the exhibition on Pop Art performed at the Scuderie del Quirinale (for every kind of info have a glance at If someone is interested, maybe we could go together and try to add some other cultural inputs to our brains different from the economic-mathematic-legal-pellonisian one. Since I have one ticket reduction (forgive me, only one, this is what the convent offers*), I will give it to the best offer, after an appropriate economic efficient evaluation....Of course, I'm joking!!
What else can I say...If you are interested, please contact me. :)

*what if we start a new section about the stranger English traduction of our Italian proverbs?

Bye bye...


as a wave on the boot topping,
quickly has gone this 1st semester...

It seems yesterday our 1st day of lecture, with the Tessitore
talking about matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
and now here we are,
lectures ended!

See you soon



Ladies & gentlements,

the EEBL POLL' STAFF is honoured to introduce itself to us !

We are : Bianca, Daniela, Rita, Roberto
and we'll be the editorial about polls, and as soon as possible,
even about gossip!

So lover, be careful of your affairs,
because our eyes are everywhere!!!!

eheheh joking!


our 1st poll is out, so...




un po di negritudine



You know...I mean...Welcome to the EEBL community!!! I hope you know that it's a bit difficult to write in English for me, so I'm quite sure you will not kidding me...I'd even prefer to talk with a wall better than write in English, but I think an Italian blog makes no sense...In this way we can improve our you agree? it's just a proposal...Poi fate come ve pare!!! For helping us in this hard work I add a link for a good online dictionary, it could be useful.
I'm sorry, I know that it is not morning at all, but you can understand this is the only one thing I have learnt all over these 3 I wanted to use it!
Somebody told us that we are like in a JAIL, you know...For sure it was a very bad comparison to make, as far as I think, because a jail is a place of intence suffering and so on...I think the only jail we recognize is in our mind...and studying hard like a fool it's not a good way to break it...The only method I know is to be open mind as much as we can, be interested in the world we are living and not locked up in our rooms...but I think we have not this problem, well I was in the first party so I could see it with my eyes...ehehe...But I'm not a guru so I don't want to make you a PISTOLOTTO!!!
By the way, we have to decide where to register the blog...real seat or incorporation country??? yes it's a stupid joke but this is just the beginning!!!
I hope this blog won't be a collector of info about the lecture, exams and so on, but rather a place to write whatever bullshit we have in our minds. For this reason, I already can say that it will be a weekly corner called "LA POSTA DEL CUORE DI ANDREA", I have just spoke with him, he's very happy. He we'll give an opinion to anyone who'll explain his/her sentimental problem. Don't lose this opportunity!!!
Well, I just remember that I HAVE TO write a thesis, and it's time to work hard now...What the hell, it was so difficult to write this!! so may be I need a little break before start studying...ehehehe...
